Friday, October 10, 2014

Hey y'all!  I'm linking up with Andrea for Friday Favorites.  It has been an interesting week around here for sure! 
 I LOVE cherry lime-aids from sonic.  No matter what is going on...a cherry lime-aid makes everything better!  Seeing the events of the week, I've had my fair share of them. ;)
 This is one of my favorite pictures of Kollman.  This is his first season pitching and I could not be more proud!  He has worked so hard for this and his hard work paid off!  There is nothing better for a mama's heart then to see her kids work for a goal and achieve it!
 Yep...that is me.  In a hospital bed.  Post surgery.  Sunday afternoon, while shopping with my husband and boys, I started having slight pains from what I thought was caused by something I ate.  As the afternoon continued, the pain continued to increase slightly (still tolerable) and I then thought I had a UTI.  I had hubs take me to urgent care, thinking I would be in and out and would start a round of anti-biotics and be good to go for the crazy, busy week ahead.  Well.....that's not quite how it played out.  As the nurse at urgent care was walking in to give me a pain med shot my pain level skyrocketed and I doubled over and knew something more was wrong.  Something inside me told me to decline the shot and head straight to the ER.  I am so glad I listened to myself.  I was instantly admitted to the ER and given some really good pain meds and was swiftly taken back for a cat-scan.  Within 20 minutes, the nurse came in and asked if I was ready to have surgery that evening because I had appendicitis.  What?  In true mom fashion, I immediately got on the phone and started making arrangements for our 3 kids and making sure that everything for the week was handled as much as I could control before I was taken back.  Surgery lasted 1 hour and things went beautifully!
 12 hours later and I was beyond ready to bust out!  I only took one pain pill that night to sleep and have managed to control the discomfort with just Motrin.  And as of today, I have been Motrin free for a day and a half!

Yep, the above quote pretty much sums everything up!    Thankfully, my husband has worked from home all week and has been a rock star at maintaining the household and our crazy kids schedules!  I have been blessed by parents and friends that have helped out and brought dinner and have helped with kids.  The week may have not gone the way I planned, but out of it have come so many blessings! 

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