Friday, July 25, 2014

Friday Favorites

Today I am linking up with Andrea sharing Friday Favorites.  This is my first time linking up and I am so excited!  I have been MIA from "blogland" for quite a while but have decided to give it another whirl as there are so many things I want to document and share.  Without further adieu here are my "Friday Favorites!"

 OH.MY.STARS.....this ice-cream is heavenly!  I advise you to run, not walk, and grab some of this goodness for yourself!  You will not be disappointed!

 We are a family that is outdoors a lot....{think baseball games, pool, beach, football games} get the picture.  We go through A LOT of sunscreen!  Neutrogena brand is my favorite by far.

This has nothing to do with favorites...but I had to include this picture because I am THANKFUL that Kollman took the time to handwrite personal thank you notes to family and his friends for the birthday goodies he received.  He even addressed the envelopes himself! 

And just a few minutes ago the doorbell rang and it was the mailman delivering my Abercrombie Kids package!  Nothing beats online shopping in my book especially since I have 3 kids and crazy schedules!  Now I have some happy kids and we are {almost} ready for school to start! Bring on the Fall!

Hope you all have a fun and relaxing week-end!

1 comment:

  1. Stopping over from the linkup. We are a Neutrogena family too. Love that stuff!! Online shopping is the best!!
